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サンディエゴタウンがゆく! San Diego Town Blog
01/02/25 10:00
令和7年 元旦
曽根 健孝
曽根 健孝
Happy New Year to the reader of San Diego Town and Los Angeles Town.
Since assuming my post, I have now entered my third year of service in this region. So far, I have visited many places in Los Angeles and beyond, and have sought to understand Japan-U.S. exchange through firsthand experience, while the Consulate General of Japan in Los Angeles has focused on further expanding and deepening relations between our two countries.
First of all, I would like to express our gratitude for the kind support we have received from people in Southern California, as we continue to accept donations to assist those impacted by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, which occurred in January 2024.
As a Japanese consulate located in a region with the largest population of Japanese nationals outside of Japan, consular services are one of our most important duties for this year and are vital to maintain direct contact with Japanese nationals. In addition to those consular services, we began accepting applications in May 2024 for the issuance of Individual Number cards to those who moved from Japan, and we will continue to work to improve the convenience of our various services.
The Japanese American community in Southern California, the largest in North America, is a linchpin of Japan-U.S. relations. While recognizing the historical and cultural importance of Little Tokyo, we will continue to support the efforts of various Japanese American organizations and next-generation leaders.
Southern California is home to the largest number of Japanese companies in North America. We will continue to promote partnership between the public and private sectors to further elevate economic relations, which are supported by cooperation between economic organizations in both countries as well as private-sector business. Meanwhile, Expo 2025 Osaka, Kansai, Japan is not only an opportunity to showcase Japan's appeal to the world, but also a great opportunity for businesspeople from around the world to gather.
2025 marks the 80th anniversary of the end of the World War II. The United States and Japan, which were once adversaries, have overcome the past and now enjoy an unparalleled friendship. With hope that the world will move towards harmony and cooperation rather than division and confrontation, I will do my utmost this year to further strengthen the friendship between Japan and the United States.
In closing, I would like to extend my best wishes to Japanese nationals, members of the Japanese American community, and everyone in Southern California for good health, happiness; and for the further development of Japan-U.S. relations in the new year.
Kenko Sone
Consul General of Japan in Los Angeles